Friends of Confident Canines
Below are businesses that we personally work with that have been helpful to us, or ones that have helped our clients. We do not receive compensation for listing these companies or individuals here. We would just like to help you navigate the dog world to find good help for all of your dog's needs.
Las Vegas Specialty Center Canine Rehab -- Kelly Straub, MPT, CCRP, APT
Kelly Straub is devoted to physical rehabilitation of dogs and cats, putting them on the path to lifelong wellness.
Las Vegas Animal Chiropractic -- Dr. Sidney Carter, D.C.
Dr. Carter treats large and small animals in the comfort of your home.
Peace for Paws -- Dr. Sarena Olsen, M.S., DVM
Peaceful and Private In-Home Pet Euthanasia
(702) 530-8262
Danielle Hiltner Photography
Pet Portraits, Family Portraits, Events
Kooiker Koeurly -- Moulin de la Combe, Ida Quemener
Exceptional breeder of Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes in Brittany, France.
Andi Donaldson Art
Andi Donaldson is a Las Vegas-based artist from the UK who paints stunning pet portraits.
Preventive Vet
Educational information from veterinarians and certified trainers on pet health, safety, and behavior.